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Q1731966 Pedagogia
Qual tipo de organização é programada pela escola e oferecida aos educandos por meio de um cronograma que estipula o período, dias e horários das aulas, com previsão de início e término de cada disciplina, oportunizando ao educando a integralização do currículo?
Q1731965 Pedagogia
A transformação da atividade externa em interna acontece por meio de qual processo?
Q1731964 Pedagogia
É constituída a partir da atividade prática sensorial externa, ou seja, a forma primária fundamental da atividade, é a forma externa, sensório-prática, não apenas individual, mas fundamentalmente social. Trata-se da:
Q1731963 Pedagogia
Os componentes da atividade podem adquirir diferentes funções, pois estão em constante processo de transformação. Quando uma atividade perde seu motivo originário ela se torna:
Q1731962 Pedagogia

“Tradicionalmente, a avaliação tendo sido _________________, o que a torna incompatível com uma educação democrática. Com a democratização do acesso à escola brasileira, nas últimas três décadas, discutir sobre a “Avaliação da Aprendizagem” tornou-se necessário. Em função de uma escola democrática inclusiva, marcada pela lógica do diálogo, da construção de autonomia, pela mediação e na qual todas as pessoas são acolhidas como capazes de aprender, a avaliação precisa ser entendida e vivenciada efetivamente como decorrente de um processo de aprendizagem.”

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna.

Q1731961 Pedagogia

“O direito do aluno à _________________ está garantido pela legislação. Embora essa seja feita, muitas vezes apenas para atender a uma formalidade legal, provavelmente, porque para o professor, essa etapa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem não tem significado. A partir dessa postura, verifica-se que há dificuldades dos mesmos; em registrar as ações desenvolvidas que indicam o acompanhamento dos caminhos trilhados pelos alunos.”

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna.

Q1731960 Pedagogia
São exemplos de recursos audiovisuais, exceto:
Q1731959 Pedagogia
Também conhecidos como “recursos” ou “tecnologias educacionais”, como são denominados todo e qualquer recurso utilizado em um procedimento de ensino, visando à estimulação do aluno e a sua aproximação do conteúdo?
Q1731958 Pedagogia

“A __________ é o modo de organizar o saber didático, apresentando diversas técnicas e recursos que possibilitem o alcance dos objetivos propostos para a atividade. Significa pensar e utilizar os recursos mais adequados para não só dinamizar as aulas, mas, principalmente, fazer os elos e inter-relações da didática e das metodologias de ensino no ambiente escolar.”

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna.

Q1731949 Inglês

TEXT 2: A painting discovered on the wall of an Indonesian cave has been found to be 44,000 years old.

    “The art appears to show a buffalo being hunted by part-human, part-animal creatures holding spears and possibly ropes. Some researchers think the scene could be the world's oldest-recorded story.

    Adam Brumm - an archaeologist at Griffith - first saw the pictures two years ago, after a colleague in Indonesia shimmied up a fig tree to reach the cave passage.

    The Indonesian drawing is not the oldest in the world. Last year, scientists said they found "humanity's oldest drawing" on a fragment of rock in South Africa, dated at 73,000 years old.”

(Adapted from 

In the Text 2, the word “rope”, in “creatures holding spears and possibly ropes”, could be translated to Portugueses as:
Q1731948 Inglês

TEXT 2: A painting discovered on the wall of an Indonesian cave has been found to be 44,000 years old.

    “The art appears to show a buffalo being hunted by part-human, part-animal creatures holding spears and possibly ropes. Some researchers think the scene could be the world's oldest-recorded story.

    Adam Brumm - an archaeologist at Griffith - first saw the pictures two years ago, after a colleague in Indonesia shimmied up a fig tree to reach the cave passage.

    The Indonesian drawing is not the oldest in the world. Last year, scientists said they found "humanity's oldest drawing" on a fragment of rock in South Africa, dated at 73,000 years old.”

(Adapted from 

According to Text 2, the Indonesian drawing is not the oldest in the world. It means that there is another drawing _________ the one found.

The right alternative to fill the blanks is:

Q1731947 Inglês

TEXT 1: How brightly the moon glows is a mystery, but maybe not for long.

    “The lunar dark side may be the moon’s more mysterious face, but there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know about the bright side — namely, just how bright it is.

    Current estimates of the moon’s brightness at any given time and vantage point are saddled with at least 5 percent uncertainty. That’s because those estimates are based on measurements from ground-based telescopes that gaze at the moon through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere.

    Now, scientists have sent a telescope beyond the clouds on a high-altitude airplane in hopes of gauging the moon’s glow within about 1 percent or less uncertainty, the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports in a Nov. 19 news release.

    Knowing the exact brightness of Earth’s celestial night-light could increase the reliability of data from Earth-observing satellites that use the moon’s steady glow to check that their sensors are working properly. Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms.”

(Adapted from

The sentence in the Text 1, “scientists have sent a telescope”, in negative form, is
Q1731946 Inglês

TEXT 1: How brightly the moon glows is a mystery, but maybe not for long.

    “The lunar dark side may be the moon’s more mysterious face, but there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know about the bright side — namely, just how bright it is.

    Current estimates of the moon’s brightness at any given time and vantage point are saddled with at least 5 percent uncertainty. That’s because those estimates are based on measurements from ground-based telescopes that gaze at the moon through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere.

    Now, scientists have sent a telescope beyond the clouds on a high-altitude airplane in hopes of gauging the moon’s glow within about 1 percent or less uncertainty, the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports in a Nov. 19 news release.

    Knowing the exact brightness of Earth’s celestial night-light could increase the reliability of data from Earth-observing satellites that use the moon’s steady glow to check that their sensors are working properly. Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms.”

(Adapted from

In the text 1, the word “pretty”, in “there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know” could be translated to Portuguese as:
Q1731945 Inglês

TEXT 1: How brightly the moon glows is a mystery, but maybe not for long.

    “The lunar dark side may be the moon’s more mysterious face, but there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know about the bright side — namely, just how bright it is.

    Current estimates of the moon’s brightness at any given time and vantage point are saddled with at least 5 percent uncertainty. That’s because those estimates are based on measurements from ground-based telescopes that gaze at the moon through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere.

    Now, scientists have sent a telescope beyond the clouds on a high-altitude airplane in hopes of gauging the moon’s glow within about 1 percent or less uncertainty, the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports in a Nov. 19 news release.

    Knowing the exact brightness of Earth’s celestial night-light could increase the reliability of data from Earth-observing satellites that use the moon’s steady glow to check that their sensors are working properly. Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms.”

(Adapted from

In the text 1, the word “weather”, in “Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms” means, is:
Q1731944 Inglês

TEXT 1: How brightly the moon glows is a mystery, but maybe not for long.

    “The lunar dark side may be the moon’s more mysterious face, but there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know about the bright side — namely, just how bright it is.

    Current estimates of the moon’s brightness at any given time and vantage point are saddled with at least 5 percent uncertainty. That’s because those estimates are based on measurements from ground-based telescopes that gaze at the moon through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere.

    Now, scientists have sent a telescope beyond the clouds on a high-altitude airplane in hopes of gauging the moon’s glow within about 1 percent or less uncertainty, the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports in a Nov. 19 news release.

    Knowing the exact brightness of Earth’s celestial night-light could increase the reliability of data from Earth-observing satellites that use the moon’s steady glow to check that their sensors are working properly. Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms.”

(Adapted from

According to Text 1:
Q1731943 Inglês
A oferta da língua inglesa, conforme a LDB, ocorrerá a partir do:
Q1731942 Pedagogia
De acordo com a LDB, os currículos do ensino médio incluirão, obrigatoriamente:
Q1731941 Pedagogia
Com relação ao Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, é correto afirmar que:
Q1731940 Pedagogia

Os recursos didáticos desempenham um papel importante no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. A este respeito, analise as afirmações abaixo.

I. Dicionários e glossários disponíveis para consulta são recursos que podem ser utilizados em uma aula de produção escrita;

II. Revistas, jornais, livros, TV, ou vídeos, dentre outros exemplos, ao serem incluídos em um contexto de sala de aula, indicam para o aluno a vinculação do que se faz com o mundo exterior e, consequentemente, a importância do aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira;

III. Recursos reduzidos a giz e livro didático são suficientes para viabilizar o ensino das quatro habilidades comunicativas.

Sobre os itens acima, podemos dizer que:

Q1731939 Pedagogia
No que se refere ao ensino da compreensão escrita em Língua Estrangeira:
41: A
42: B
43: A
44: B
45: A
46: B
47: A
48: A
49: B
50: C
51: A
52: D
53: C
54: B
55: B
56: A
57: B
58: B
59: B
60: A