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Sobre os sinais de a, b e c, é correto afirmar que
O valor de
Se é α um arco cuja extremidade pertence ao 2º quadrante, então α pode ser________.
– Seja ABC um triângulo retângulo em B, tal que AC = 12 cm.
O valor de ( R + a √3 ) é
Sabe-se que = 4x . Dessa forma, x + 2 é igual a
Analisando a figura, pode-se afirmar corretamente que o valor de x é
We’re supposed to start work at nine, but I often come in later
because I have to take my children to school first, but then I stay
a little later. Of course, if I have an early meeting or if I have to
be in court first thing in the morning, my wife has to take the kids
to school.
American Inside out - Teacher's book.
According to the text, in “We are supposed to start work at nine, (...)”. The underlined words are closest in meaning to “We are to start (...)”
Read the text and answer the questions.
Read the text and answer the questions.