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Q2200723 Conhecimentos Gerais
Santos Dumont foi um inventor e aeronauta brasileiro que se tornou uma importante figura histórica. Além de outras invenções, ele:
Q2200722 Conhecimentos Gerais
“Foi uma artista plástica brasileira inovadora e marcante, nascida em Minas Gerais e falecida em 1988. Sua arte era baseada em experiências sensoriais e interativas, buscando envolver o espectador de maneira ativa em sua obra. Criou uma série de esculturas conhecidas como 'Os Bichos', que consistiam em peças metálicas articuladas e geométricas que permitiam diversas formas de montagem.” Assinalar a alternativa que corresponde a quem essa descrição deve ser CORRETAMENTE atribuída: 
Q2200719 Português
Em “Sim, estou satisfeito com os resultados. Porém; era a única opção que eu tinha.”, sobre a pontuação, é CORRETO afirmar que:
Q2200711 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
Considering the English Literature movements and their history, Charlotte Brontë’s work was written during which one of the periods below?
Q2200710 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
Concerning the parts of speech, the underlined word in “This was intentionally explained” is classified as a/an: 
Q2200709 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
Analyze the sentences below according ONLY to the simple future. Which of the parts contains the verb tense?
She will meet him later (1st part), since she said she enjoyed the date yesterday (2nd part).
The sentence is:
Q2200708 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
Considering the English Literature movements and their history, Virginia Woolf’s work was written during which one of the periods below?
Q2200707 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
According to the text, mark the CORRECT alternative:
Q2200706 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
In “[…] domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S.”, the underlined word can be substituted, without loss of meaning, by:
Q2200705 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
Check the alternative that CORRECTLY fills the gaps in the text:
Q2200704 Inglês
 Em relação às teorias de tradução, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Q2200703 Pedagogia
Em relação ao ensino-aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Q2200702 Pedagogia
De acordo com a BNCC, as práticas de leitura em inglês promovem:
I. Desenvolvimento de estratégias de reconhecimento textual (o uso de pistas verbais e não verbais para a formulação de hipóteses e inferências).
II. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a apresentação de situações de leitura organizadas em pré-leitura, leitura e pós-leitura deve ser desconsiderada como prática de leitura em inglês, pois não favorece a aprendizagem de modo contextualizado e significativo para os estudantes,
Q2200701 Pedagogia
Em relação ao bullying, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. É utilizado para aguçar comportamentos agressivos no âmbito escolar e apresenta motivações específicas ou justificáveis.
II. Refere-se aos atos de violência que podem ocorrer de forma intencional e repetitiva contra um ou mais alunos que se encontram impossibilitados de fazer frente às agressões sofridas.
III. As únicas formas de bullying que podem ser identificadas no espaço escolar são a verbal e a física.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Q2200696 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
De acordo com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Todos os direitos devem ser aplicados a todas as crianças e adolescentes sem discriminação. Não é possível diferenciar crianças e adolescentes em virtude de situações pessoais, econômicas, familiares ou em virtude da comunidade em que vivem.
II. A interpretação do estatuto deve levar em consideração os fins sociais ligados à proteção integral de crianças e adolescentes.
III. A criança ou adolescente é pessoa em desenvolvimento, o que significa dizer que a aplicação de seu conteúdo deve ser diferente daquela ordinária prevista para adultos.
Q2200695 Pedagogia
No processo de ensino-aprendizagem, a avaliação é de suma importância para o processo educacional. Existem vários tipos de avaliação, porém, no processo de ensino ao longo do ano letivo, três tipos podem ser destacados. A primeira é inicial, na qual se observa a aprendizagem anterior. A segunda, que é realizada ao longo do processo, normalmente, tem característica subjetiva. E a terceira, e última, normalmente é objetiva e avalia o processo como um todo ao final do ano. As três avaliações citadas são, respectivamente:
Q2200694 Educação Física
O futebol é um dos esportes mais praticados em nosso país. Por sua simples execução motora e pelas regras muito facilitadas, adultos, jovens e crianças desfrutam dessa prática na escola, em momentos de lazer ou de maneira profissional. Sobre o ensino do futebol na escola, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Q2200693 Pedagogia
A respeito da ludicidade, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(_) O aluno precisa ser considerado num todo, e o professor precisa desenvolver diferentes situações para inter-relacionar os aspectos cognitivos afetivos e corporais, pois as situações lúdicas são contextos favoráveis de aprendizagem.
(_) A ludicidade auxilia no desenvolvimento do educando, mas não é o brincar por brincar ou o jogar por jogar. O professor precisa acompanhar cada atividade, observar, realizar anotações, se necessário, intervir e até mesmo participar de algumas atividades a fim de interagir com o educando e, assim, contribuir na sua formação como sujeito.
(_) A influência do esporte competitivo na educação física submete a disciplina a padrões de rendimento que tornam o esporte o principal conteúdo a ser desenvolvido nas aulas, sobretudo pela influência midiática, que faz com que a criança se reconheça nele e, dessa forma, tenha uma aprendizagem significativa; situação essa que não pode ser visualizada na abordagem da educação física sobre a ótica da ludicidade, em que o aluno sofre influências tecnicistas exacerbadas que acabam pormenorizando as relações de ensino-aprendizagem.
Q2200692 Educação Física
O processo de avaliação em educação física escolar pode ser realizado de diferentes formas. Qual é o tipo de avaliação prática que deve ser realizada para avaliar os fundamentos básicos de handebol que foram trabalhados ao longo do ano letivo com a turma do 9º do ensino fundamental? 
Q2200690 Enfermagem
Assinalar a alternativa que preenche CORRETAMENTE as lacunas abaixo:
O ____________________ é a perda súbita, temporária e repentina da consciência, devido à diminuição do sangue no cérebro. Alguns sintomas prenunciam essa perda, sendo um deles a ___________________________.
61: A
62: D
63: B
64: A
65: B
66: A
67: A
68: B
69: C
70: A
71: B
72: A
73: B
74: B
75: D
76: A
77: D
78: D
79: C
80: A