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Q2614563 Inglês
In Scott Thornbury’s book “How to Teach Grammar”, the use of grammar in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is viewed differently in the "shallow end" (weak CLT) and the "deep end" (strong CLT) approaches. What is a key characteristic of the weak CLT approach compared to the strong one?
Q2614562 Inglês
Read the case below.

A teacher writes 5 questions on the board, then hands the learners a reading text on printed paper. Individually, the students have to read the text and find the answers as quickly as possible.

Prepared by the author.

Based on this activity description, which reading strategy is being practiced?
Q2614561 Inglês
Text 1

The concept of language as discourse leads to a perspective of language teaching as a process of teaching not only pre-existent meanings, but also a process of teaching ways in which we can create new meanings, position ourselves and construct our identities. In other words, when language is defined as discourse, teaching a foreign language becomes teaching new ways of reinventing and representing oneself and of perceiving (and constructing) the world. Language as discourse implies an understanding of our language practices as practices of constructing and assigning meanings to the world, to what happens in the world, to what we see and what we don't see in reality. A change in discourse practice therefore leads to a reconfiguration of our identity and the way we read the world (cf.: GEE, 1986). This is to say that, when learning a new language we learn new meanings, new (des)identifications (HALL, 2005) and new ways to understand ourselves and the "wor(l)d" (FREIRE; MACEDO, 1987).

JORDÃO C. M, FOGAÇA F. C. Critical literacy in the English language classroom. DELTA v. 28, n. 1, p. 69-84, 2012. Available at: . Access on: 21 may. 2024. [Adapted].
In the excerpt from the text “A change in discourse practice therefore leads to a reconfiguration of our identity and the way we read the world”, the verb leads to can be replaced by
Q2614560 Inglês
Text 1

The concept of language as discourse leads to a perspective of language teaching as a process of teaching not only pre-existent meanings, but also a process of teaching ways in which we can create new meanings, position ourselves and construct our identities. In other words, when language is defined as discourse, teaching a foreign language becomes teaching new ways of reinventing and representing oneself and of perceiving (and constructing) the world. Language as discourse implies an understanding of our language practices as practices of constructing and assigning meanings to the world, to what happens in the world, to what we see and what we don't see in reality. A change in discourse practice therefore leads to a reconfiguration of our identity and the way we read the world (cf.: GEE, 1986). This is to say that, when learning a new language we learn new meanings, new (des)identifications (HALL, 2005) and new ways to understand ourselves and the "wor(l)d" (FREIRE; MACEDO, 1987).

JORDÃO C. M, FOGAÇA F. C. Critical literacy in the English language classroom. DELTA v. 28, n. 1, p. 69-84, 2012. Available at: . Access on: 21 may. 2024. [Adapted].
According to the text, the concept of language teaching derived from the view of language as discourse states that language teaching 
Q2614529 Segurança da Informação
Em segurança de redes de computadores, como pode ser definida a função desempenhada por um sistema de detecção de intrusão posicionado no ponto de conexão da rede de uma organização com a Internet?
26: C
27: B
28: B
29: C
30: C