Questões de Concurso Público SEGEP-MA 2016 para Técnico da Receita Estadual - Tecnologia da Informação - Conhecimentos Gerais

Foram encontradas 70 questões

Q737157 Inglês

      Donald Trump on Monday proposed collapsing the federal income tax rate from seven brackets down to three and called for allowing child-care expenses to be exempt from taxation in a speech allies hope will help the GOP presidential nominee turn the page on a tumultuous period some Republicans fear has severely damaged his campaign.

      Overall, Trump offered few new details behind his economic vision, which he unveiled as a candidate last year. One notable exception was his call to enable families to "fully deduct" child-care expenses from their taxes. Some such expenses are already deductible; experts say that the additional amounts will largely benefit middle- and upper middle-class families.

      On tax rates, business mogul said he would work with House Republicans and use the same three brackets they have proposed: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. Previously, Trump proposed tax brackets of 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent.

      "For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero," said Trump.

      The GOP nominee continued to leave large question marks about how he would pay for his plans and avoid ballooning the federal budget deficit. He included no new details on how he would limit the cost of his tax reform plan, which analysts have estimated would reduce federal revenues by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. His child-care expense plan would presumably raise that cost even further.

      Trump released a tax plan last year that would reduce the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent and bring down the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. The plan would eliminate the estate tax and reduce tax rates to 10 percent for households earning $100,000 or less.

      Trump also did not spell out any federal spending cuts. In his remarks, Trump said he would offer more details in the coming weeks.

(Adapted from hetries-to-turn-the-page-on-a-bruising-week/?wpisrc=nl_evening&wpmm=1

Um sinônimo para unveiled (2° parágrafo), conforme usado no texto, é
Q737158 Inglês

      Donald Trump on Monday proposed collapsing the federal income tax rate from seven brackets down to three and called for allowing child-care expenses to be exempt from taxation in a speech allies hope will help the GOP presidential nominee turn the page on a tumultuous period some Republicans fear has severely damaged his campaign.

      Overall, Trump offered few new details behind his economic vision, which he unveiled as a candidate last year. One notable exception was his call to enable families to "fully deduct" child-care expenses from their taxes. Some such expenses are already deductible; experts say that the additional amounts will largely benefit middle- and upper middle-class families.

      On tax rates, business mogul said he would work with House Republicans and use the same three brackets they have proposed: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. Previously, Trump proposed tax brackets of 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent.

      "For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero," said Trump.

      The GOP nominee continued to leave large question marks about how he would pay for his plans and avoid ballooning the federal budget deficit. He included no new details on how he would limit the cost of his tax reform plan, which analysts have estimated would reduce federal revenues by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. His child-care expense plan would presumably raise that cost even further.

      Trump released a tax plan last year that would reduce the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent and bring down the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. The plan would eliminate the estate tax and reduce tax rates to 10 percent for households earning $100,000 or less.

      Trump also did not spell out any federal spending cuts. In his remarks, Trump said he would offer more details in the coming weeks.

(Adapted from hetries-to-turn-the-page-on-a-bruising-week/?wpisrc=nl_evening&wpmm=1

Segundo o texto,
Q737159 Inglês

      Donald Trump on Monday proposed collapsing the federal income tax rate from seven brackets down to three and called for allowing child-care expenses to be exempt from taxation in a speech allies hope will help the GOP presidential nominee turn the page on a tumultuous period some Republicans fear has severely damaged his campaign.

      Overall, Trump offered few new details behind his economic vision, which he unveiled as a candidate last year. One notable exception was his call to enable families to "fully deduct" child-care expenses from their taxes. Some such expenses are already deductible; experts say that the additional amounts will largely benefit middle- and upper middle-class families.

      On tax rates, business mogul said he would work with House Republicans and use the same three brackets they have proposed: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. Previously, Trump proposed tax brackets of 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent.

      "For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero," said Trump.

      The GOP nominee continued to leave large question marks about how he would pay for his plans and avoid ballooning the federal budget deficit. He included no new details on how he would limit the cost of his tax reform plan, which analysts have estimated would reduce federal revenues by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. His child-care expense plan would presumably raise that cost even further.

      Trump released a tax plan last year that would reduce the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent and bring down the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. The plan would eliminate the estate tax and reduce tax rates to 10 percent for households earning $100,000 or less.

      Trump also did not spell out any federal spending cuts. In his remarks, Trump said he would offer more details in the coming weeks.

(Adapted from hetries-to-turn-the-page-on-a-bruising-week/?wpisrc=nl_evening&wpmm=1

De acordo com o texto, o candidato republicano
Q737160 Inglês

      Donald Trump on Monday proposed collapsing the federal income tax rate from seven brackets down to three and called for allowing child-care expenses to be exempt from taxation in a speech allies hope will help the GOP presidential nominee turn the page on a tumultuous period some Republicans fear has severely damaged his campaign.

      Overall, Trump offered few new details behind his economic vision, which he unveiled as a candidate last year. One notable exception was his call to enable families to "fully deduct" child-care expenses from their taxes. Some such expenses are already deductible; experts say that the additional amounts will largely benefit middle- and upper middle-class families.

      On tax rates, business mogul said he would work with House Republicans and use the same three brackets they have proposed: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. Previously, Trump proposed tax brackets of 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent.

      "For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero," said Trump.

      The GOP nominee continued to leave large question marks about how he would pay for his plans and avoid ballooning the federal budget deficit. He included no new details on how he would limit the cost of his tax reform plan, which analysts have estimated would reduce federal revenues by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. His child-care expense plan would presumably raise that cost even further.

      Trump released a tax plan last year that would reduce the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent and bring down the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. The plan would eliminate the estate tax and reduce tax rates to 10 percent for households earning $100,000 or less.

      Trump also did not spell out any federal spending cuts. In his remarks, Trump said he would offer more details in the coming weeks.

(Adapted from hetries-to-turn-the-page-on-a-bruising-week/?wpisrc=nl_evening&wpmm=1

Em relação às faixas do imposto sobre a renda, Donald Trump apresentou, no ano passado, um plano que propunha
Q737161 Inglês

      Donald Trump on Monday proposed collapsing the federal income tax rate from seven brackets down to three and called for allowing child-care expenses to be exempt from taxation in a speech allies hope will help the GOP presidential nominee turn the page on a tumultuous period some Republicans fear has severely damaged his campaign.

      Overall, Trump offered few new details behind his economic vision, which he unveiled as a candidate last year. One notable exception was his call to enable families to "fully deduct" child-care expenses from their taxes. Some such expenses are already deductible; experts say that the additional amounts will largely benefit middle- and upper middle-class families.

      On tax rates, business mogul said he would work with House Republicans and use the same three brackets they have proposed: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. Previously, Trump proposed tax brackets of 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent.

      "For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero," said Trump.

      The GOP nominee continued to leave large question marks about how he would pay for his plans and avoid ballooning the federal budget deficit. He included no new details on how he would limit the cost of his tax reform plan, which analysts have estimated would reduce federal revenues by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. His child-care expense plan would presumably raise that cost even further.

      Trump released a tax plan last year that would reduce the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent and bring down the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. The plan would eliminate the estate tax and reduce tax rates to 10 percent for households earning $100,000 or less.

      Trump also did not spell out any federal spending cuts. In his remarks, Trump said he would offer more details in the coming weeks.

(Adapted from hetries-to-turn-the-page-on-a-bruising-week/?wpisrc=nl_evening&wpmm=1

Do texto, infere-se que
Q737162 Matemática

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere a descrição de sistemas de senhas abaixo.

− Cada senha, do sistema de senhas J, é formada por duas letras dentre as 10 primeiras letras do alfabeto seguidas de três algarismos ímpares.

− Cada senha, do sistema de senhas K, é formada por três letras vogais seguidas de dois algarismos diferentes.

− Cada senha, do sistema de senhas L, é formada por uma letra dentre as dez primeiras consoantes, seguida por duas letras vogais diferentes e ainda seguidas por dois algarismos diferentes dentre os oito primeiros algarismos.

Quanto ao número de senhas diferentes possíveis, a ordenação crescente desses três sistemas é
Q737163 Matemática

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere a descrição de sistemas de senhas abaixo.

− Cada senha, do sistema de senhas J, é formada por duas letras dentre as 10 primeiras letras do alfabeto seguidas de três algarismos ímpares.

− Cada senha, do sistema de senhas K, é formada por três letras vogais seguidas de dois algarismos diferentes.

− Cada senha, do sistema de senhas L, é formada por uma letra dentre as dez primeiras consoantes, seguida por duas letras vogais diferentes e ainda seguidas por dois algarismos diferentes dentre os oito primeiros algarismos.

A senha de um computador foi criada utilizando-se o sistema J. Alguém que tentar descobrir essa senha por meio de 250 tentativas diferentes, tem uma probabilidade de acerto de
Q737164 Matemática
Na progressão geométrica 8/9; 4/3; 2; 3;... , o primeiro termo que supera o número 11 é o termo que se encontra na posição de número
Q737165 Matemática
João pediu emprestado ao seu pai a quantia X. Prometeu devolver o dinheiro após três meses pagando juros simples de 4% ao mês. No mesmo dia emprestou ao seu amigo Júlio, por três meses, essa mesma quantia cobrando juros compostos de 5% ao mês. Ao fim desses três meses João recebeu de Júlio e pagou ao seu pai, tudo conforme combinado. Nessa negociação, o dinheiro que sobrou para João corresponde a
Q737166 Matemática
Em um acampamento foi providenciado suprimento suficiente para que 15 acampantes possam fazer três refeições completas por dia durante 42 dias. Ao invés de chegarem 15 acampantes, chegaram 35. Após uma conversa entre eles, decidiram que cada acampante teria direito a apenas duas refeições completas por dia. Desta maneira, o número de dias a menos que o novo grupo ficará no acampamento é igual a
Q737167 Matemática

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere as informações abaixo.

      Três funcionários do Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente de uma loja foram avaliados pelos clientes que atribuíram uma nota (1; 2; 3; 4; 5) para o atendimento recebido. A tabela mostra as notas recebidas por esses funcionários em um determinado dia. 


Considerando a avaliação média individual de cada funcionário nesse dia, a diferença entre as médias mais próximas é igual a
Q737168 Matemática

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere as informações abaixo.

      Três funcionários do Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente de uma loja foram avaliados pelos clientes que atribuíram uma nota (1; 2; 3; 4; 5) para o atendimento recebido. A tabela mostra as notas recebidas por esses funcionários em um determinado dia. 


Considerando a totalidade das 95 avaliações desse dia, é correto afirmar que a média das notas dista da moda dessas mesmas notas um valor absoluto, aproximadamente, igual a
Q737169 Matemática
Caberá a cada um dos doze funcionários de uma repartição, acompanhar um determinado número de um total de 360 projetos. Esse número de projetos deverá ser diretamente proporcional ao número de anos de serviço de cada funcionário. Sabe-se que três dos doze funcionários têm 4 anos de serviço, cinco deles têm 6 anos de serviço, três deles têm 7 anos de serviço e um deles tem 9 anos de serviço. Dessa maneira, o total de projetos que serão acompanhados pelo grupo dos mais jovens, em serviço, superará o número de projetos que o mais velho, em serviço, acompanhará, em um número igual a
Q737170 Raciocínio Lógico

Se a conexão com a internet cai, então não há possibilidade de comunicação.

Uma afirmação que corresponde à negação lógica da afirmação anterior é:

Q737171 Raciocínio Lógico

Se Roberta for promovida, então Antônio não será demitido.

Se Cláudia se aposentar, então Douglas não perderá o seu posto.

Se Douglas não perder seu posto, então Antônio será demitido.

Sabe-se que Cláudia se aposentou.

A partir dessas informações é correto concluir que

Q737172 Legislação Estadual
Ao ser perguntado sobre quais eram as formas de provimento em cargo público no Estado do Maranhão, Cláudia ficou em dúvida sobre quais, exatamente, seriam os casos previsto na Lei Estadual n° 6.107 de 1994. Diante disso, é INCORRETO afirmar que é forma de provimento a
Q737173 Legislação Estadual
Conforme a Lei estadual n° 6.107 de 1994, readaptação é
Q737174 Direito Administrativo
Maria, cidadã brasileira, estava andando na calçada quando foi atropelada por um ônibus da concessionária X. Diante disso, é correto afirmar que o Estado responde pelo dano causado à Maria de forma
Q737175 Direito Administrativo
O Poder Judiciário exerce o controle
Q737176 Legislação Estadual
É INCORRETO afirmar que para haver vacância do cargo público no Estado do Maranhão, é necessário que o servidor tenha
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