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Q3055809 Psicologia
Rodrigo, 16 anos, foi apreendido quando pichava o muro de sua escola e passou por audiência na Vara da Infância e da Juventude, na qual recebeu uma medida que deverá ser cumprida junto ao CREAS de seu município.
Assinale a opção que apresenta a atribuição do CREAS no atendimento a adolescentes em conflito com a lei.
Q3055808 Psicologia
Sobre a Entrevista Motivacional (EM), técnica usada na abordagem de usuários de substâncias psicoativas, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3055807 Psicologia
Márcia é psicóloga em um serviço de Planejamento Familiar e faz a avaliação psicológica de mulheres que desejam fazer a laqueadura.
Para fazer a avaliação psicológica, Márcia deverá fazer uso de
Q3055806 Psicologia
René Spitz, psicanalista e pesquisador do desenvolvimento infantil, é conhecido por suas contribuições para a compreensão das primeiras relações entre bebês e cuidadores. Ele desenvolveu seus estudos na observação de bebês institucionalizados e concluiu que a privação afetiva total levava à deterioração do desenvolvimento e até a morte dos bebês.
A esse quadro ele deu o nome de
Q3055800 Português
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão. 

Por que queima de canaviais ainda é permitida no país, apesar dos incêndios?
Os incêndios que se alastraram pelo interior de São Paulo, cobrindo o céu de muitas cidades e causando pânico e evacuações, chamou atenção para o uso do fogo nas chamadas queimas controladas da agricultura.
A situação é bastante comum no cultivo de cana-de-açúcar — os recentes incêndios atingiram principalmente os canaviais, queimando 100 mil hectares de lavouras e causando um prejuízo milionário aos produtores.
Os questionamentos se intensificaram quando um vídeo que mostra essa prática viralizou nas redes sociais.
Nas imagens, funcionários da usina da Delta Sucroenergia colocam fogo em uma plantação de cana.  
Até o dia 8 de setembro, 6,2 mil focos de incêndio foram registrados no Estado de São Paulo, sendo a maioria deles (pouco mais de 2,6 mil) em um só dia, 23 de agosto. É o maior desde 1998, quando o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe) começou a fazer este tipo de levantamento.
A Delta refutou as acusações levantadas em redes sociais ao dizer que a queima havia sido feita em maio no interior de Minas Gerais, reforçou que a prática está prevista em lei e que toma medidas contra a propagação de incêndios nas plantações de cana.
As autoridades ambientais, cientes do vídeo, estiveram no local e não constataram irregularidades", disse a empresa em nota. 
Esse tipo de queima controlada da palha da cana-de-açúcar ainda é realizada no Brasil, principalmente no Nordeste. 
Segundo especialistas ouvidos pela BBC News Brasil, a técnica é usada quando o terreno de cultivo é mais acidentado, o que impede o uso de máquinas para a colheita.
Também ajuda a aumentar a produção e reduz a carga de trabalho para quem colhe a cana manualmente.
Mas isso só pode ser feito em épocas e condições meteorológicas específicas, com autorização e sob a fiscalização de autoridades.

"Segundo especialistas ouvidos pela BBC News Brasil, a técnica é usada quando o terreno de cultivo é mais acidentado, o que impede o uso de máquinas para a colheita." Em relação à análise sintática, analise o trecho acima e averigue as afirmativas:

I. Os vocábulos "usada" e "acidentado" são adjetivos com função de predicativo do sujeito.

II. O trecho é formado por período misto.

III. Em "o uso de máquinas" é objeto direto e "de maquinas" complemento nominal de "uso".

IV. Os vocábulos "a técnica" e "o terreno de cultivo" são sujeitos do verbo ser, respectivamente.

V. "de cultivo" é locução adjetiva com função de adjunto adnominal.

Estão corretas: 

Q3055798 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei nº 9.394/96 (Lei de Diretrizes e Base da Educação Nacional), NÃO será recurso público destinado à educação o originário de: 
Q3055797 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), a avaliação em Língua Inglesa deve ir além da simples verificação de conhecimento gramatical e vocabulário, englobando o desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas e interculturais. Nesse sentido, a BNCC sugere um enfoque em práticas avaliativas que promovam o aprendizado contínuo e o desenvolvimento de habilidades integradas. Qual das alternativas a seguir melhor representa esse enfoque, conforme a BNCC?
Q3055796 Inglês

Consider the dialogue below:

David: Hi, Emily! Have you ever thought about the impact of technology on our daily lives?

Emily: Hi, David! Yes, I think about it often. Technology has certainly made our lives easier in many ways, but it also has its downsides.

David: Absolutely. For example, smartphones have made communication much faster, but at the same time, people seem to be more disconnected in real life. 

Emily: I agree. It's ironic, isn't it? We have more ways to connect, yet it sometimes feels like we're more isolated.

David: That's true. Do you think there's a way to find a balance between using technology and maintaining real-world connections?

Emily: I believe there is. Perhaps it's about setting boundaries, like limiting screen time or having tech-free days to spend more quality time with family and friends.

David: That's a good point. It might also be helpful to be more mindful about how we use technology.

Emily: Definitely. Being conscious of our usage can help us use technology more purposefully rather than letting it control us.

Based on the dialogue, which of the following statements best captures the main theme of their conversation?

Q3055795 Pedagogia
Sobre o Conselho Municipal de Educação de São Miguel do Oeste, de acordo com a Lei n.º 6088/2008, é correto afirmar que: 
Q3055794 Inglês

Read the following excerpt:

"Critical reading involves analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating the text. When reading critically, a reader not only understands the content but also questions the author's intentions, the validity of the arguments, and the relevance of the evidence provided."

Based on the excerpt, which of the following actions demonstrates a critical reading strategy? 

Q3055793 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina

Considerando a Lei n.º 7148/2015 (Plano Municipal de Educação - PME), julgue as frases abaixo.

I. As conferências municipais de educação realizar-se-ão com intervalo de até 2(dois) anos entre elas, com o objetivo de avaliar a execução do Plano Nacional de Educação - PNE, do Plano Estadual de Educação - PEE, bem como do Plano Municipal de Educação - PME e subsidiar a elaboração dos planos de educação para o decênio subsequente.

II. A meta progressiva do investimento público em educação será avaliada no segundo ano de vigência do Plano Municipal de Educação - PME e poderá ser ampliada por meio de lei para atender às necessidades financeiras do cumprimento das demais metas.

III. Melhoria da qualidade da educação é uma diretriz do Plano Municipal de Educação - PME.

Está(ão) CORRETA(S) a(s) seguinte(s) proposição(ões).

Q3055791 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão. 

HVAC Contractors Need to Adapt to Repair Market 

Repair or replace is a question homeowners often need to answer, and it greatly impacts an HVAC contractor's business. During COVID, the residential HVAC industry saw a replacement market boom. But in 2023 and now the beginning of 2024, there has been a shift to a repair market that HVAC contractors need to be aware of as they run their businesses.

According to numbers from the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), shipments of unitary air conditioners and heat pumps were down 16.7% in 2023, compared to 2022. Gas furnaces were down 23%.

"The replacement market is performing worse when you strip out new construction," said industry leader Matt Michel. "Housing starts were down around 5%, according to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, so the replacement market for unitary air conditioners and heat pumps was down in the low 20s."

Distributors are seeing similar numbers, according to the Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI).

"We definitely are seeing a shift here. And that shift has actually been visible for some time," said Tim Fisher, HARDI director of market intelligence.

HARDI receives data from FieldEdge on the invoice and quote trends exhibited by their users. Invoices reflect work that has been completed, whereas quotes reflect potential future work and are most often provided for new system installations. HARDI has found that, over time, the ratio of new invoices to new quotes is a useful indicator of whether a market is trending more toward repair than replace and vice versa.

The numbers show the annual growth rate bottomed out in the spring of 2022 but remained negative through most of the year, indicating that replacement trends were broadly higher in 2022 than in 2021. That figure increased through 2023, peaking in May but generally remaining positive for most of the year. While the three-month growth rate has slowed in recent months — an encouraging sign — they don't expect much of a negative drift in 2024, meaning that repair versus replace trends will broadly remain similar to where they were in 2023.

So why is this change happening? It can't be attributed to any single factor but rather a combination of items. Certainly, higher costs of both HVAC systems and housing in general play a role.

"Adapting to the economy is something contractors need to do. We can't just assume people are going to reach into their pocket and replace," said ACCA CEO Bart James. "Contractors need to help customers get through the current need. People are slowing down on their spending. People are worried about what is coming and how they are preparing for it. Wages and other things are not keeping up with how fast prices are going up."

James said reading the numbers shows there is a shift in the home improvement market.

"Just look at the Walmart and Home Depot quarterly projections. Walmart did well with more visits but had smaller purchases, while Home Depot did not hit their numbers. That tells you that people are handling investments into housing differently. That will catch up with HVAC, too. "Contractors need to prepare by making investments in their team to meet the needs of the customer. And that need is not always a replacement option but also can be a repair option," James continued. 

The sluggish home resale market is another reason for the shift towards a repair market. "Home improvement spending, in aggregate, tends to follow existing home sales totals nationally," Fisher said. "People invest more in their homes prior to selling to boost its value, and new homeowners spend more in their first year of moving than homeowners who stay put. This has major implications for HVAC replacement demand, which, historically, peaks when existing home sales are at their highest and falls off when existing home sales decline. 

"Both the 3-month and 12-month growth rates bottomed out earlier in 2023, and while still negative, have slowed significantly," he continued. "We believe that home sale totals are at or nearing their trough, and over the duration of 2024 should steadily improve and finish at or ahead of 2023 totals."

The final reason is the cyclical nature of HVAC. It reflects the shipment cliff from 15 years ago, when the industry contracted 40% after peak shipments in 2005. Contractors cannot replace what was never installed.

How do HVAC contractors deal with this shift? Michel believes they should embrace the repair market.

"The money is better in replacements," he said. "It always has been and always will be. However, margins are better in service. For the next couple of years, anyway, contractors should focus on building up their service business and making money on it."

Since service involves more labor, and labor carries more overhead than equipment and material, keeping a close watch on overhead expenses is a must.

"Contractors need to build the service base, watch your marketing expenses drop, and down the road, the replacement margins and close rates to a satisfied service base will rise," Michel said. "Once we get past the shipment cliff, the replacement market will begin a decade-long run with every year being better than the year before it. We know this because it's what happened in the past, and when it comes to replacements, the past truly is a prologue."

Contractors in most parts of the country are already feeling the pinch of a slower market, and their experiences in 2024 are unlikely to be much different from their experiences in 2023 though rebounds from the milder temperatures we saw during peak months last year would go a long way in improving demand in 2024.

HARDI advises contractors should consider the following six tactics in '24:

  •       •Offer financing options: Any homeowner considering a new system is likely going to feel some sticker shock if it's been a few years since they
  • last bought a system. Financing a new system helps to alleviate that shock, making the big sticker prices much more palatable monthly payments.
  •       •Protect margins: Work to ensure that your pricing for jobs is consistent with market trends, and attempt to pass through as much of the higher system costs as possible. Likewise, now is a critical time to manage operating expenses closely. Together, good cost  management and smart pricing can help protect business margins in 2024. 
  •      •Educate homeowners: Many homeowners may not fully understand the long-term benefits of replacing their HVAC system versus frequent repairs. Offer educational materials, such as blog posts, videos, or pamphlets, explaining the advantages of a new system 
  • in terms of energy efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and improved IAQ. Also, be sure to make clear to your customers which incentives they may qualify for through IRA or other state-level rebate/incentive programs. 
  •     •Focus on value proposition: Emphasize the value proposition of a new HVAC system, highlighting its reliability, longevity, and performance. Help homeowners understand that investing in a replacement now can save  them money and hassle in the long run. 
  •     •Offer maintenance packages: Create maintenance packages that bundle regular servicing with discounts on repairs or replacements. This can encourage homeowners to invest in preventive maintenance and build a long-term relationship with your company. 
  •    •Diversify services: Explore diversifying your services beyond just HVAC installations and repairs. For example, you could offer IAQ assessments, smart thermostat installations, or energy audits to provide additional value to homeowners and generate new revenue streams. apt-to-repair-market

What does Bart James suggest HVAC contractors need to focus on in response to the current market conditions?
Q3055786 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão. 

HVAC Contractors Need to Adapt to Repair Market 

Repair or replace is a question homeowners often need to answer, and it greatly impacts an HVAC contractor's business. During COVID, the residential HVAC industry saw a replacement market boom. But in 2023 and now the beginning of 2024, there has been a shift to a repair market that HVAC contractors need to be aware of as they run their businesses.

According to numbers from the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), shipments of unitary air conditioners and heat pumps were down 16.7% in 2023, compared to 2022. Gas furnaces were down 23%.

"The replacement market is performing worse when you strip out new construction," said industry leader Matt Michel. "Housing starts were down around 5%, according to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, so the replacement market for unitary air conditioners and heat pumps was down in the low 20s."

Distributors are seeing similar numbers, according to the Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI).

"We definitely are seeing a shift here. And that shift has actually been visible for some time," said Tim Fisher, HARDI director of market intelligence.

HARDI receives data from FieldEdge on the invoice and quote trends exhibited by their users. Invoices reflect work that has been completed, whereas quotes reflect potential future work and are most often provided for new system installations. HARDI has found that, over time, the ratio of new invoices to new quotes is a useful indicator of whether a market is trending more toward repair than replace and vice versa.

The numbers show the annual growth rate bottomed out in the spring of 2022 but remained negative through most of the year, indicating that replacement trends were broadly higher in 2022 than in 2021. That figure increased through 2023, peaking in May but generally remaining positive for most of the year. While the three-month growth rate has slowed in recent months — an encouraging sign — they don't expect much of a negative drift in 2024, meaning that repair versus replace trends will broadly remain similar to where they were in 2023.

So why is this change happening? It can't be attributed to any single factor but rather a combination of items. Certainly, higher costs of both HVAC systems and housing in general play a role.

"Adapting to the economy is something contractors need to do. We can't just assume people are going to reach into their pocket and replace," said ACCA CEO Bart James. "Contractors need to help customers get through the current need. People are slowing down on their spending. People are worried about what is coming and how they are preparing for it. Wages and other things are not keeping up with how fast prices are going up."

James said reading the numbers shows there is a shift in the home improvement market.

"Just look at the Walmart and Home Depot quarterly projections. Walmart did well with more visits but had smaller purchases, while Home Depot did not hit their numbers. That tells you that people are handling investments into housing differently. That will catch up with HVAC, too. "Contractors need to prepare by making investments in their team to meet the needs of the customer. And that need is not always a replacement option but also can be a repair option," James continued. 

The sluggish home resale market is another reason for the shift towards a repair market. "Home improvement spending, in aggregate, tends to follow existing home sales totals nationally," Fisher said. "People invest more in their homes prior to selling to boost its value, and new homeowners spend more in their first year of moving than homeowners who stay put. This has major implications for HVAC replacement demand, which, historically, peaks when existing home sales are at their highest and falls off when existing home sales decline. 

"Both the 3-month and 12-month growth rates bottomed out earlier in 2023, and while still negative, have slowed significantly," he continued. "We believe that home sale totals are at or nearing their trough, and over the duration of 2024 should steadily improve and finish at or ahead of 2023 totals."

The final reason is the cyclical nature of HVAC. It reflects the shipment cliff from 15 years ago, when the industry contracted 40% after peak shipments in 2005. Contractors cannot replace what was never installed.

How do HVAC contractors deal with this shift? Michel believes they should embrace the repair market.

"The money is better in replacements," he said. "It always has been and always will be. However, margins are better in service. For the next couple of years, anyway, contractors should focus on building up their service business and making money on it."

Since service involves more labor, and labor carries more overhead than equipment and material, keeping a close watch on overhead expenses is a must.

"Contractors need to build the service base, watch your marketing expenses drop, and down the road, the replacement margins and close rates to a satisfied service base will rise," Michel said. "Once we get past the shipment cliff, the replacement market will begin a decade-long run with every year being better than the year before it. We know this because it's what happened in the past, and when it comes to replacements, the past truly is a prologue."

Contractors in most parts of the country are already feeling the pinch of a slower market, and their experiences in 2024 are unlikely to be much different from their experiences in 2023 though rebounds from the milder temperatures we saw during peak months last year would go a long way in improving demand in 2024.

HARDI advises contractors should consider the following six tactics in '24:

  •       •Offer financing options: Any homeowner considering a new system is likely going to feel some sticker shock if it's been a few years since they
  • last bought a system. Financing a new system helps to alleviate that shock, making the big sticker prices much more palatable monthly payments.
  •       •Protect margins: Work to ensure that your pricing for jobs is consistent with market trends, and attempt to pass through as much of the higher system costs as possible. Likewise, now is a critical time to manage operating expenses closely. Together, good cost  management and smart pricing can help protect business margins in 2024. 
  •      •Educate homeowners: Many homeowners may not fully understand the long-term benefits of replacing their HVAC system versus frequent repairs. Offer educational materials, such as blog posts, videos, or pamphlets, explaining the advantages of a new system 
  • in terms of energy efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and improved IAQ. Also, be sure to make clear to your customers which incentives they may qualify for through IRA or other state-level rebate/incentive programs. 
  •     •Focus on value proposition: Emphasize the value proposition of a new HVAC system, highlighting its reliability, longevity, and performance. Help homeowners understand that investing in a replacement now can save  them money and hassle in the long run. 
  •     •Offer maintenance packages: Create maintenance packages that bundle regular servicing with discounts on repairs or replacements. This can encourage homeowners to invest in preventive maintenance and build a long-term relationship with your company. 
  •    •Diversify services: Explore diversifying your services beyond just HVAC installations and repairs. For example, you could offer IAQ assessments, smart thermostat installations, or energy audits to provide additional value to homeowners and generate new revenue streams. apt-to-repair-market

Based on the provided text, analyze the morphological structure of the word "replacement" and select the correct alternative that describes its structure:
Q3055785 Nutrição
No que concerne às leis, decretos e resoluções que balizam a atuação do profissional Nutricionista, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3055784 Nutrição
A doença renal crônica (DRC) é caracterizada por perda progressiva da função dos rins, tendo como principais fatores de risco o diabetes mellitus e a hipertensão arterial descontrolados. Sobre a dietoterapia indicada para a DRC, leia as afirmativas a seguir e assinale V para a afirmativa verdadeira e F para a falsa.

( ) A dieta proposta deve prover um balanço nitrogenado negativo, por meio de 0,9 g/kg/dia de proteínas para pacientes com taxa de filtração glomerular menor que 25 mL/min, sem diálise.
( ) Na doença renal crônica em estágio terminal, recomenda-se restrição de sódio e potássio, assim como dieta com alto teor de fósforo, cálcio e de vitamina D ativa (calcidiol) para prevenção da osteodistrofia renal.
( ) A diálise peritoneal favorece a perda proteica, portanto, recomenda-se para os pacientes com esse tipo de tratamento, uma ingestão diária de proteínas igual a 1,0g/kg de massa corporal, sendo 20% deste nutriente de alto valor biológico.

As afirmativas acima são, respectivamente,
Q3055783 Nutrição
O tratamento nutricional é fundamental para indivíduos com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Em relação a este tema, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3055782 Nutrição
As doenças hepáticas vêm crescendo de forma vertiginosa no Brasil e no mundo. Quanto à dietoterapia destinada à doença hepática terminal descompensada e suas manifestações clínicas, leia as asserções a seguir:

I. A hipernatremia é gerada pela redução da capacidade de eliminação de água e pela perda de sódio via paracentese. Para tratar tal condição recomenda-se a restrição de sódio para 2 g/dia, além de elevação na ingestão hídrica para 60 ml/kg peso/dia.
II. A encefalopatia hepática, causada pelo aumento de amônia no sangue deve ser tratada com restrição proteica, além de privilegiar o consumo de alimentos ricos em aminoácidos aromáticos e pobres em aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada, amenizando as manifestações clínicas.
III. Visando amenizar as queixas de saciedade precoce, sugere-se que as refeições menores e mais frequentes sejam mais bem toleradas pelo paciente, evitando as chances de hipoglicemia e melhorando o balanço nitrogenado.

Está correto o que se afirma em:
Q3055780 Nutrição
As Políticas Públicas de Alimentação e Nutrição são norteadoras de ações e programas governamentais que visem o bem estar da população assistida. Neste contexto, sobre as diretrizes para prevenção e controle de distúrbios nutricionais concernentes à Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3055779 Nutrição
O Plano Estadual para a Pessoa Idosa (Futuridade) é uma ação do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, que objetiva fortalecer a rede de atenção aos idosos e promover o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida. Neste âmbito, o Índice Futuridade (IF) é um instrumento de monitoramento e avaliação que é composto pelas seguintes dimensões: 
Q3055778 Nutrição
O Plano de Ações Estratégicas para o Enfrentamento das Doenças Crônicas e Agravos Não Transmissíveis no Brasil (2021-2030) apresenta-se como diretriz para a prevenção dos seus fatores de risco e para a promoção da saúde da população com vistas a mitigar desigualdades em saúde.
Sobre o Plano supracitado, leia as asserções a seguir.

I. O Plano aborda os três principais grupos de doenças crônicas (cardiovasculares, cânceres, reprodutivas crônicas) e seus fatores de risco (consumo abusivo de álcool, inatividade física, alimentação não saudável, obesidade e poluição ambiental).
II. Inúmeras metas foram estabelecidas para o Brasil (até 2030), dentre elas: reduzir a prevalência de obesidade em crianças e adolescentes em 2%; aumentar em 30% o consumo recomendado de frutas e de hortaliças; reduzir em 30% o consumo regular de bebidas adoçadas.
III. O plano definiu diretrizes e ações em dois eixos: a) vigilância, informação, avaliação e monitoramento; b) promoção da saúde. Dentre as ações estratégicas contempladas em tais eixos, sugere-se o incentivo à ampliação da produção e do acesso de alimentos in natura, minimamente processados e ultra processados, produzidos de forma saudável e sustentável.

Está correto o que se afirma em:
19361: C
19362: A
19363: B
19364: E
19365: D
19366: B
19367: B
19368: A
19369: C
19370: C
19371: B
19372: C
19373: C
19374: A
19375: C
19376: B
19377: C
19378: D
19379: C
19380: B