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Q2421828 Matemática

A parábola determinada pela função f:RR tal que f(x)=ax2+bx+c , com a=0 , tem vértice de coordenadas V(2,1) .

Sabendo que o ponto de coordenadas (3,1) pertence ao gráfico dessa função, qual o valor da soma a+b+c ?

Q2421827 Inglês

The only sentence which is NOT grammatically correct is:

Q2421826 Inglês

The irregular verbs bellow can be spelled in two different ways in the past form EXCEPT

Q2421825 Inglês

Here is a list of jobs and positions that have different forms for men and women EXCEPT for

Q2421824 Inglês

Concerning the use of adjectives, Swan stablishes that the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

I. A fat old white horse.

II. A big grey woolen sweater.

III. New Italian boots.

IV. A little modern square brick house.

The correct alternatives are:

76: C
77: C
78: B
79: C
80: D