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Ano: 2014 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: AGU Prova: IDECAN - 2014 - AGU - Analista de Sistemas |
Q418804 Inglês
                                  This (Illegal) American Life

By Maria E. Andreu

      My parents came to New York City to make their fortune when I was a baby. Irresponsible and dreamy and in their early 20s, they didn't think things through when their visa expired; they decided to stay just a bit longer to build up a nest egg.
      But our stay got progressively longer, until, when I was 6, my grandfather died in South America. My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral and, with assurances that he would handle everything, sat me down and told me I'd have a nice visit in his boyhood home in Argentina, then be back in America in a month.
      I didn't see him for two years.
      We couldn't get a visa to return. My father sent us money from New Jersey, as the months of our absence stretched into years. Finally, he met someone who knew "coyotes" - people who smuggled others into the U.S. via Mexico. He paid them what they asked for, and we flew to Mexico City.
      They drove us to the Mexican side of the border, and left us at a beach. Another from their operation picked us up there and drove us across as his family. We passed Disneyland on our way to the airport, where we boarded the plane to finally rejoin my father.
      As a child, I had thought coming back home would be the magical end to our troubles, but in many ways it was the beginning. I chafed at the strictures of undocumented life: no social security number meant no public school (instead I attended a Catholic school my parents could scarcely afford); no driver's license, no after-school job. My parents had made their choices, and I had to live with those, seeing off my classmates as they left on a class trip to Canada, or packing to go off to college, where 1 could not go.
      The year before I graduated from high school, Congress passed the amnesty law of 1987. A few months after my 18th birthday, I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility.
      When I went for my interview at the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the caseworker looked at me quizzically when he heard me talk in unaccented English and joke about current events. Surely this American teenager did not fit in with the crowd of illegals looking to make things right.
      At the time, I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.

                                  (Newsweek, October 2f 2008. Page 12.)

In "They decided to stay a bit longer to build up a nest egg" NESTEGG is a/an
Ano: 2014 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: AGU Prova: IDECAN - 2014 - AGU - Analista de Sistemas |
Q418803 Inglês
                                  This (Illegal) American Life

By Maria E. Andreu

      My parents came to New York City to make their fortune when I was a baby. Irresponsible and dreamy and in their early 20s, they didn't think things through when their visa expired; they decided to stay just a bit longer to build up a nest egg.
      But our stay got progressively longer, until, when I was 6, my grandfather died in South America. My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral and, with assurances that he would handle everything, sat me down and told me I'd have a nice visit in his boyhood home in Argentina, then be back in America in a month.
      I didn't see him for two years.
      We couldn't get a visa to return. My father sent us money from New Jersey, as the months of our absence stretched into years. Finally, he met someone who knew "coyotes" - people who smuggled others into the U.S. via Mexico. He paid them what they asked for, and we flew to Mexico City.
      They drove us to the Mexican side of the border, and left us at a beach. Another from their operation picked us up there and drove us across as his family. We passed Disneyland on our way to the airport, where we boarded the plane to finally rejoin my father.
      As a child, I had thought coming back home would be the magical end to our troubles, but in many ways it was the beginning. I chafed at the strictures of undocumented life: no social security number meant no public school (instead I attended a Catholic school my parents could scarcely afford); no driver's license, no after-school job. My parents had made their choices, and I had to live with those, seeing off my classmates as they left on a class trip to Canada, or packing to go off to college, where 1 could not go.
      The year before I graduated from high school, Congress passed the amnesty law of 1987. A few months after my 18th birthday, I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility.
      When I went for my interview at the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the caseworker looked at me quizzically when he heard me talk in unaccented English and joke about current events. Surely this American teenager did not fit in with the crowd of illegals looking to make things right.
      At the time, I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.

                                  (Newsweek, October 2f 2008. Page 12.)

I n "I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American." FLATTERED is
Ano: 2014 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: AGU Prova: IDECAN - 2014 - AGU - Analista de Sistemas |
Q418802 Inglês
                                  This (Illegal) American Life

By Maria E. Andreu

      My parents came to New York City to make their fortune when I was a baby. Irresponsible and dreamy and in their early 20s, they didn't think things through when their visa expired; they decided to stay just a bit longer to build up a nest egg.
      But our stay got progressively longer, until, when I was 6, my grandfather died in South America. My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral and, with assurances that he would handle everything, sat me down and told me I'd have a nice visit in his boyhood home in Argentina, then be back in America in a month.
      I didn't see him for two years.
      We couldn't get a visa to return. My father sent us money from New Jersey, as the months of our absence stretched into years. Finally, he met someone who knew "coyotes" - people who smuggled others into the U.S. via Mexico. He paid them what they asked for, and we flew to Mexico City.
      They drove us to the Mexican side of the border, and left us at a beach. Another from their operation picked us up there and drove us across as his family. We passed Disneyland on our way to the airport, where we boarded the plane to finally rejoin my father.
      As a child, I had thought coming back home would be the magical end to our troubles, but in many ways it was the beginning. I chafed at the strictures of undocumented life: no social security number meant no public school (instead I attended a Catholic school my parents could scarcely afford); no driver's license, no after-school job. My parents had made their choices, and I had to live with those, seeing off my classmates as they left on a class trip to Canada, or packing to go off to college, where 1 could not go.
      The year before I graduated from high school, Congress passed the amnesty law of 1987. A few months after my 18th birthday, I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility.
      When I went for my interview at the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the caseworker looked at me quizzically when he heard me talk in unaccented English and joke about current events. Surely this American teenager did not fit in with the crowd of illegals looking to make things right.
      At the time, I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.

                                  (Newsweek, October 2f 2008. Page 12.)

Some of the author's hassles were
Ano: 2014 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: AGU Prova: IDECAN - 2014 - AGU - Analista de Sistemas |
Q418801 Inglês
                                  This (Illegal) American Life

By Maria E. Andreu

      My parents came to New York City to make their fortune when I was a baby. Irresponsible and dreamy and in their early 20s, they didn't think things through when their visa expired; they decided to stay just a bit longer to build up a nest egg.
      But our stay got progressively longer, until, when I was 6, my grandfather died in South America. My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral and, with assurances that he would handle everything, sat me down and told me I'd have a nice visit in his boyhood home in Argentina, then be back in America in a month.
      I didn't see him for two years.
      We couldn't get a visa to return. My father sent us money from New Jersey, as the months of our absence stretched into years. Finally, he met someone who knew "coyotes" - people who smuggled others into the U.S. via Mexico. He paid them what they asked for, and we flew to Mexico City.
      They drove us to the Mexican side of the border, and left us at a beach. Another from their operation picked us up there and drove us across as his family. We passed Disneyland on our way to the airport, where we boarded the plane to finally rejoin my father.
      As a child, I had thought coming back home would be the magical end to our troubles, but in many ways it was the beginning. I chafed at the strictures of undocumented life: no social security number meant no public school (instead I attended a Catholic school my parents could scarcely afford); no driver's license, no after-school job. My parents had made their choices, and I had to live with those, seeing off my classmates as they left on a class trip to Canada, or packing to go off to college, where 1 could not go.
      The year before I graduated from high school, Congress passed the amnesty law of 1987. A few months after my 18th birthday, I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility.
      When I went for my interview at the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the caseworker looked at me quizzically when he heard me talk in unaccented English and joke about current events. Surely this American teenager did not fit in with the crowd of illegals looking to make things right.
      At the time, I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.

                                  (Newsweek, October 2f 2008. Page 12.)

The author and her mother
Ano: 2014 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: AGU Prova: IDECAN - 2014 - AGU - Analista de Sistemas |
Q418800 Inglês

The ad contains a/an
Ano: 2014 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: AGU Prova: IDECAN - 2014 - AGU - Analista de Sistemas |
Q418799 Inglês

Choose the sequence to fill in the blanks
Q418662 Legislação da AGU
Acerca das atribuições dos órgãos da Advocacia-Geral da União, analise as afirmativas.

I. Quando se tratar de Membros das Carreiras da Advocacia-Geral da União submetidos à estágio confirmatório, caberá à Corregedoria-Geral da Advocacia da União decidir sobre a confirmação no cargo ou exoneração.

II. A emissão de parecer sobre o desempenho dos integrantes das Carreiras da Advocacia-Geral da União submetidos ao estágio confirmatório, opinando, fundamentadamente, por sua confirmação no cargo ou exoneração, cabe ao Conselho Superior da Advocacia-Geral da União.

III. Incumbe ao Advogado-Geral da União homologar os concursos públicos de ingresso nas Carreiras da Advocacia-Geral da União.

IV. A Consultoria-Geral da União coordenará o estágio confirmatório dos integrantes das Carreiras da Advocacia-Geral da União.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s)
Q418661 Direito Administrativo
Analise as afirmativas, que tratam acerca das penalidades disciplinares aplicáveis aos servidores públicos, consoante o que dispõe a Lei n° 8.112/90.  I. O servidor que tenha tido contra si aplicada penalidade de suspensão terá o registro da situação cancelado caso não pratique nova infração disciplinar no decurso de cinco anos de efetivo exercício.
II. A recusa de fé a documentos públicos é considerada falta gravíssima, devendo contra o servidor que assim agiu ser aplicada a penalidade de demissão.
III. A acumulação ilegal de cargos públicos é penalizável com demissão, sendo que a lei prevê a possibilidade de o servidor apresentar opção no prazo improrrogável de dez dias, contados da data da ciência, após ser notificado conforme procedimento previsto em lei.
IV. Entende-se por inassiduidade habitual a falta ao serviço, sem causa justificada, por trinta dias, interpoladamente, durante o período de doze meses.
Estão INCORRETAS apenas as afirmativas
Q418660 Gestão de Pessoas
Todas as organizações apresentam, de alguma forma, um conjunto de atividades de Recursos Humanos, que incluem planejamento, provisão, desenvolvimento, administração de pessoal e administração de desempenho, apresentando numerosas interações entre elas. No setor público, a administração de desempenho envolve alguns instrumentos formais, que podem ser utilizados de forma ritualística, em que a avaliação é tradicionalmente favorável. Sobre a administração de desempenho, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q418659 Direito Processual Civil - CPC 1973
"Joaquina impetra mandado de segurança no Tribunal de Justiça do local em que reside por ter direito líquido e certo que foi violado por abuso de autoridade da autoridade coatora envolvida na situação. Considere que, nessa hipótese, a autoridade coatora era o Governador do Estado, que possuía foro por prerrogativa de função e que, por essa razão, a competência para julgamento do writ era mesmo do Tribunal de Justiça local. Considere, ainda, que a impetração ocorreu tempestivamente, e que todos os requisitos de admissibilidade foram observados. Entretanto, mesmo com a observância de todos os requisitos formais, meritoriamente, foi denegatória a decisão do mandado de segurança impetrado por Joaquina."

Tendo em vista todos os aspectos apresentados no caso anterior, assinale a opção que indica, acertadamente, o recurso a ser interposto por Joaquina
Q418658 Direito Constitucional
A Constituição de 1988 contém, no Título III que trata da "Organização do Estado", um capítulo específico sobre Administração Pública - o capítulo VII. No primeiro dispositivo (art. 37) institucionalizou, em âmbito constitucional, a classificação da Administração Pública em duas modalidades: administração direta e indireta. A Administração Pública Direta inclui os serviços desempenhados pelos(as)
Q418657 Direito Civil
"Sebastião, funcionário público em uma repartição pública federal, no exercício de suas funções, ao praticar um ato, acaba por causar danos a Rodrigo. Após averiguação interna da Administração Pública, constata-se que Sebastião causou o dano por ter agido com negligência, até mesmo porque seus colegas já o tinham advertido várias vezes de que deveria tomar mais cuidado com os atos por ele praticados, pois poderia trazer problemas para as pessoas que estavam recebendo aquele serviço público."

Diante de tal situação, acerca da responsabilização civil decorrente de tal ato, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q418656 Direito Administrativo
Segundo a Lei nº 9.784/99, que regula o processo administrativo no âmbito da Administração Pública Federal, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q418654 Direito Constitucional
Considerando as regras constitucionais sobre a administração pública, analise as afirmativas.

I. Os vencimentos dos cargos do Poder Legislativo e do Poder Judiciário não poderão ser superiores aos pagos pelo Poder Executivo.

II. A remuneração e o subsídio dos ocupantes de cargos, funções e empregos públicos da administração direta, autárquica e fundacional, dos membros de qualquer dos Poderes da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios, dos detentores de mandato eletivo e dos demais agentes políticos e os proventos, pensões ou outra espécie remuneratória, percebidos cumulativamente ou não, incluídas as vantagens pessoais ou de qualquer outra natureza, não poderão exceder o subsídio mensal, em espécie, dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal.

III. É vedada a vinculação ou equiparação de quaisquer espécies remuneratórias para o efeito de remuneração de pessoal do serviço público.

Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s)

Q418653 Direito Constitucional
Com relação à competência privativa da União para legislar, é INCORRETO afirmar que compete privativamente à União legislar sobre
Q418566 Jornalismo
Na hipótese da agenda setting, o frame temporal é o parâmetro que
Q418565 Comunicação Social
Relacione adequadamente os tipos de papéis para impressão às respectivas destinações.

1. Cartão bristol.
2. Pergaminho vegetal.
3. Bouffant.
4. Papel-da-Índia.

( ) Frequentemente utilizado em capas de volumes.
( ) Utilizado especialmente em impressão de livros.
( ) Muito comum em cartão de visitas e convites.
( ) Adequado para peças com muitíssimas páginas.

A sequência está correta em
Q418564 Jornalismo
“Dois importantes estudos teóricos na área do jornalismo são o(a) _________________, que concentra suas pesquisas na produção de informação com base no andamento normal da cobertura informativa em períodos prolongados, atentando aos critérios de importância e noticiabilidade definidos por meio da cultura profissional dos jornalistas, da organização do trabalho e dos processos produtivos; e o(a) _________________, que foca na seleção e filtragem das notícias, suas relevâncias ou não, tendo como fonte principal de expectativas as orientações e valores produtivos constituídos através dos jornalistas ou de seus superiores. Enquanto o(a) primeiro(a) estabelece uma certa censura, definindo o que será notícia ou não, o(a) segundo(a) realiza uma filtragem vinculada às rotinas de produção da informação.” Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e sequencialmente a afirmativa anterior.
Q418563 Comunicação Social
Nas mídias eletrônicas audiovisuais, a lapada é um efeito obtido quando uma imagem vai sendo gradualmente retirada da tela no mesmo instante que outra vai surgindo, num movimento que se assemelha a abertura de uma cortina. Nas redações de televisão, este termo virou sinônimo de
Q418562 Jornalismo
A organização de entrevistas coletivas requer um grau de conhecimento profundo de suas estruturas para que se possa alcançar sucesso no empreendimento desta ação. Diante do exposto, é correto afirmar que
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4871: B
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