Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Pouso Alegre - MG 2024 para Professor PIII - Inglês
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I. Quando houver conveniência para o serviço, a pena de suspensão poderá ser convertida em multa até 50% por dia do vencimento ou remuneração, obrigando, nesse caso, o funcionário a permanecer em serviço. II. O funcionário que, dentro de cinco anos contados da data da primeira condenação, for por duas vezes condenado na pena de multa, ou duas vezes na suspensão por período que, somados, excedem de cento e vinte dias, passará a ocupar o último lugar na escala de antiguidade para efeito de promoção. III. Para efeito de graduação das penas disciplinares, poderão ser sempre tomadas em conta todas as circunstâncias em que a infração tiver sido cometida e as responsabilidades do cargo ocupado pelo infrator. IV. A suspensão preventiva, até trinta dias, prorrogáveis por mais trinta dias, poderá ser ordenada pelo Prefeito Municipal em despacho motivado desde que o afastamento do funcionário seja necessário para que este não venha dificultar a apuração da falta cometida.
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I. Tratando-se de danos causados a terceiros, responderá o funcionário perante a Fazenda Municipal, em ação regressiva, proposta depois de transitar em julgado a decisão de última instância que houver condenado a Fazenda a indenizar o terceiro prejudicado. II. A indenização de prejuízos causados à Fazenda Municipal poderá ser liquidada mediante o desconto em folha, nunca excedente da quinta parte do vencimento ou remuneração, na falta de outros bens que respondam pela indenização. III. A responsabilidade administrativa exime o funcionário da responsabilidade civil ou penal, que couber, nem no pagamento da indenização a que ficar obrigado. IV. A responsabilidade civil decorre de procedimento doloso ou culposo, que importe em prejuízo para a Fazenda Municipal ou para terceiros.
Está correto o que se afirma apenas em
The item preserving the same message/idea as the one emphasized in the text below is:
Rahul: Hi, Raj. You 've participated the drawing competition.
Raj: Sure, you know drawing is my bailiwick.
Rahul: What is the topic you chose?
Raj: “Environmental Issues”
Rahul: How many days did it take you to complete it?
Raj: It took me 2.
Rahul: Have the results already? To whom did the prize go?
Raj: A dude in Texas, at least my personal experience has grown...
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Language Trends is an annual survey of primary and secondary schools in England, designed to gather information about the situation for language teaching and learning. Its aims are: (a) to assess the impact of policy measures in relation to languages; and (b) to analyse strengths and weaknesses based both on quantitative evidence and on views expressed by teachers. Since 2015 there has also been an annual survey in Wales, and since 2019 a biennial survey in Northern Ireland; reports can be found on the corresponding country’s British Council website. The Language Trends series shows general shifts in data and seeks to provide a springboard for teachers, school leaders, academics, inspectors, policy makers, school pupils and the public to consider aspects of language learning more deeply. The headline findings for 2023 include:
• Almost nine out of ten responding primary schools have some pupils for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL).
• The 2023 data reflect a positive increase in the number of primary schools in contact with secondary schools concerning language education.
• French remains the most popular language at Key Stage 3, followed closely by Spanish in both state and independent sectors.
• German is the third most popular curricular language, but entries are much higher in the independent sector.
• For the fourth year running, Spanish continues to have the highest number of A-level entries.
• Schools’ international engagement is improving since the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Further study is required to observe to what extent parents’/carers’ attitudes to languages can affect pupils’ desire to study a language.
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I. Students’ wish to study a language is soundly swayed by their parents.
II. Yet to determine is the students’ front-runner language in public schools.
III. The brunt of measures that set up the decision making basis for language education will be rated.
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It refers to two major aspects of language use today. The first is the variability of meaning making in different cultural, social or domain-specific contexts. These differences are becoming ever more significant to our communication environment. This means that it is no longer enough for literacy teaching to focus solely on the rules of standard forms of the national language. Rather, the business of communication and representation of meaning today increasingly requires that learners are able figure to out differences in patterns of meaning from one context to another. These differences are the consequence of any number of factors such as culture, gender, life experience, subject matter, or social or subject domain. Every meaning exchange is cross-cultural to a certain degree.
The second aspect of language use today arises in part from the characteristics of the new information and communication media. Meaning is made in ways that are increasingly multimodal – in which written-linguistic modes of meaning interface with oral, visual, audio, gestural, tactile and spatial patterns of meaning.
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The above explanation matches:
Examine verbal and non verbal information to select the compatible item.
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(Available in: https://www.rif.or. Adapted.)