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Q2541682 Educação Física
O desenvolvimento motor humano se divide em duas fases: Fase Motora Fundamental e Fase Motora Especializada. Estas duas fases apresentam características específicas, e o professor de educação física deve saber diferenciá-las. Sobre a Fase Motora Fundamental, assinale a alternativa correta
Q2541681 Educação Física
De acordo com a Lei nº 14.386, de 27 de junho de 2022, que altera a Lei nº 9696, de 1 de setembro de 1998, que regulamenta a Profissão de Educação Física no Brasil, analise as afirmações a seguir:

I- Apenas serão inscritos nos quadros dos Conselhos Regionais de Educação Física os profissionais que possuírem diploma obtido em curso superior de Educação Física em instituições de ensino nacionais;

II- Compete ao Profissional de Educação Física coordenar, planejar, programar, supervisionar, dinamizar, dirigir, organizar, avaliar e executar trabalhos, programas, planos e projetos, bem como prestar serviços de auditoria, consultoria e assessoria, realizar treinamentos especializados, participar de equipes multidisciplinares e interdisciplinares e elaborar informes técnicos, científicos e pedagógicos, todos nas áreas de atividades físicas e do desporto;

III- Os que tenham comprovadamente exercido atividades próprias dos Profissionais de Educação Física até a data de início da vigência desta Lei, nos termos estabelecidos pelo Conselho Federal de Educação Física (Confef);

IV- Ficam criados o Conselho Federal de Educação Física (Confef) e os Conselhos Regionais de Educação Física (Crefs), dotados de personalidade jurídica de direito público e de autonomia administrativa, financeira e patrimonial;

Estão corretas apenas as afirmações: 
Q2541665 Inglês
“Michael was preparing for his first parent-teacher conference. He had been anticipating it for weeks, and now the day had arrived. He reviewed his notes and gathered samples of student work to showcase progress. With a final check of the conference schedule, he headed to the school, ready for the important meeting. He was feeling a mixture of nervousness and enthusiasm. This was his first time meeting with parents one-on-one, and he knew it would be a significant moment in his teaching career. Michael had prepared thoroughly for the conference, reflecting on each student's strengths and areas for improvement. Despite the butterflies in his stomach, his passion for teaching kept him focused. He exchanged smiles with colleagues who offered words of encouragement as he made his way to the conference room. As the conference began, Michael's mind filled with anticipation for the discussions ahead. This meeting was not just an obligation; it was an opportunity to foster strong partnerships with parents”.
What does Michael's preparation for the parentteacher conference reveal about his approach to teaching?
Q2541664 Inglês
“Sarah was enthusiastic about her upcoming workshop. She had been looking forward to it for months and finally, the day had arrived. She doublechecked her presentation materials, ensuring she had everything she needed. With a final review of her notes, she headed out the door, eager for the professional development opportunity. As she walked to the conference venue, she felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was her first time presenting at such an event, and she knew it would be a significant experience for her career. Sarah had prepared extensively for her workshop, researching best practices and rehearsing her presentation multiple times. Despite the early morning start, her enthusiasm kept her energized. She exchanged greetings with colleagues she met along the way, who wished her luck. As she entered the conference hall, Sarah's mind raced with thoughts of the knowledge she would share and the connections she would make. This workshop was not just a learning opportunity; it was a step forward in her professional journey.”

What emotions does Sarah experience about her workshop, and how do they reflect her overall attitude towards the event?
Q2541663 Inglês
Lisa is discussing instructions from her supervisor with a colleague. Convert the direct speech into reported speech. and choose the correct sentence. Supervisor: "You must prepare the lesson plans for next week."
Lisa reported : “_____________________________” 
781: A
782: C
783: C
784: B
785: B